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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

News Release – Former Energy Department Manager Launches Small Business

Woman-owned minority business to keep government dollars local

Richland, WA – Independent Strategic Management Solutions, Inc. (ISMSolutions) a management and technical consulting business, was launched this month in Richland, Washington. ISMSolutions provides professional technical consulting services to government organizations and contractors in the environmental, national security, energy, electrical utility and defense sectors.

ISMSolutions specializes in assessing the health of government and contractor organizations and operations, providing objective solutions and guidance to assist them in delivering quality results safely, consistently, and cost-effectively.

Company founder and president Shirley Olinger said ISMSolutions’ mission is to provide a reliable resource for the government and contractor community locally and nationally.

“We’ve created a highly motivated team of industry professionals with proven track records of obtaining solutions to difficult challenges in complex and heavily regulated work environments,” said Olinger.

The ISMSolutions team includes former federal and contractor professionals with significant nuclear operational experience offering independent consulting services. Olinger said the ISMSolutions business model offers both superior expertise and cost savings to clients because of its low operating costs, a view echoed by former Department of Energy Richland Manager and Battelle senior executive Mike Lawrence. “Shirley has assembled an impressive team of nuclear professionals to provide insightful assessments of nuclear systems and services in a cost effective manner,” said Lawrence.

As federal budget issues increase uncertainty, Olinger believes ISMSolutions is well positioned to allow clients to acquire sought-after services on an as-needed basis to get the job done. Carl Adrian with the Tri-City Economic Development Council (TRIDEC) endorses the company’s approach saying, “Not only does ISMSolutions meet the government’s policy to increase the number of small woman-owned businesses in underrepresented industries, ISMSolutions as a local small business will ensure our federal dollars stay in Eastern Washington.”

Matt Moeller, CEO of Dade Moeller, says, “We are excited to partner with companies like Shirley’s ISMSolutions to help advance the Hanford clean-up. Her passion and commitment to addressing the legacy from the Cold War has always impressed me.”


Shirley Olinger has 32 years of experience managing multi-billion dollar environmental cleanup and nuclear projects and operations with a proven track record of obtaining solutions in complex, controversial and heavily regulated work environments. Shirley has directed projects that employed more than 5,000 employees with a budget of $1.1 billion per year and contract values totaling $18 billion. Most notably, she was the Manager of the DOE’s Office of River Protection (ORP) from 2007 to 2010 and oversaw the tank farms and the vitrification plant at the Hanford Site. The tank farms contain 56 million gallons of radioactive and chemical waste left over from the production of nuclear weapons. The Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) is designed to vitrify that waste into more stable glass logs to protect the contamination from reaching the Columbia River. Throughout her career, she has led efforts to improve relationships with workers, regulators, public stakeholders and Native American tribes. This has resulted in developing sustainable decisions with significant public and regulatory acceptance.